+ 24
New course needed
It was long time ago when we could learn something new. I'm very bored, would like to learn something interesting.
15 ответов
+ 37
.NET and Android =D
+ 15
Agreed, and I won't mind some easy XP to goes with it 😃😃
+ 15
Bash Fundamentals 🖥️
+ 11
You are right @Tamas. I too am eagerly waiting for the next course. It's been 3 months since jQuery course is introduced. Also, new weapon should be unlocked. HTML challenges were introduced around one and a half month back.
+ 10
Bash sounds great :D
+ 10
@Kryptic you said my wish. I'm also wishing for C, .net and Android.
+ 7
I know it may sound odd and somehow old-fashioned as a request, but I really wish I could see a Fortran course available on SoloLearn! Along with SQL, Fortran was the very first programming language I had a chance to learn, but unfortunately I have no longer happened nor needed to use it for a long time. That's too bad, because this language keeps on featuring a huge potential even nowadays in the scientific field, and I don't want to go so far as to forget it totally, so I hope SoloLearn will give me sooner or later the possibility to start handling it over again. ☺
+ 7
Basics in mathematics and statistics, as it relates to coding, could be that new course. I trust some folks would value that, being that they come from a non-STEM background.
+ 6
You can try other website or books to learn something new, try to do something that you think you actually can't and learn how to :)
Good luck on your learning pilgrimage ! :)
+ 6
So true what Crisio was saying, "go so far as to forget it totally". I used to be the bees knees at MATLAB but sadly haven't touched it for about a decade. Hence I love that sololearn has helped me focus on relevant, core, skills.
+ 4
I do it all the time ;)
+ 4
.NET though? It took a long time to step up from primitive (read embedded friendly) C/C++ APIs to Java. To move onto .NET, while many jobs require it, would be a betrayal of my Java experience and open source ethos. Is it much better engineered than Java?
MS took Java and cloned it to squeeze out Sun Microsystems. Bill Gates has no respect for copyright.
+ 3
c language also add to the course
+ 3
- Angular (Angular 4.0 or AngularJS)
- ReactJS
- Lua
- Vue.js
- Machine Learning
- Design Patterns
+ 3
EmojiCode a programmering language made of emojis (its real! )