+ 3

how to make all of this replacement with one code

name=x.replace("1","") name1=name.replace("2","") name2=name1.replace("3","") name3=name2.replace("4","") name4=name3.replace("5","") name5=name4.replace("6","") name6=name5.replace("7","") name7=name6.replace("8","") name8=name7.replace("9","") name9=name8.replace("`","") name10=name9.replace("=","") name11=name10.replace("+","") name12=name11.replace("

quot;,"") name13=name12.replace("%","") name14=name13.replace("&","") name15=name14.replace("^","") name16=name15.replace("*","") name17=name16.replace("#","") name18=name17.replace("@","") name19=name18.replace("!","") name20=name19.replace("/","") name21=name20.replace("_","") name22=name21.replace("-","")

8th Jan 2022, 3:05 PM
Mostafa Ahmad
Mostafa Ahmad - avatar
9 ответов
+ 4
I would use the filter function. Here is an example that consolidates all of your replacements and does the same thing in one line: name = "Mr. Jack $Benny$ the 3rd" name1 = "".join(filter(lambda c: (c not in "123456789`=+$%&^*#@!/_-"), name)) print(name, name1, sep='\n') Output: Mr. Jack $Benny$ the 3rd Mr. Jack Benny the rd
9th Jan 2022, 9:13 AM
Brian - avatar
+ 6
a) put all to be replaced characters in a list/tuple or a string. Iterate over the list/ string and replace inside of the loop b) if you want to get rid of all non-letter characters, you can try str.isalpha(): copy the input to a 2nd variable, iterate of input and replace if isalpha == False in the copied string c) use regular expressions like re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z]", "", string)
8th Jan 2022, 4:08 PM
Lisa - avatar
+ 5
Mostafa Ahmad what is this reverse function supposed to do there? Remove it. The loop needs to be something like for y in symbol: x = x replace(y, "") You need to apply the replacements to the same string. After the loop x will be the string without the symbols
8th Jan 2022, 4:29 PM
Lisa - avatar
+ 3
nums = list(map(str, range(10))) syms = "`=+$%&^*#@!/_-" x = "Hello,2022 it's @me" #input() for n in nums: x = x.replace(n, "") for s in syms: x = x.replace(s, "") print(x) https://code.sololearn.com/cKJxy2pH24lv
8th Jan 2022, 4:22 PM
SoloProg - avatar
+ 2
import re txt = "Hi, my phone number is 01234456677. I am 25 years old. My password is dg%&%?Afgh" def replaceString(txt): txt = re.sub('[^a-z A-Z]', '', txt) print(txt) replaceString(txt)
8th Jan 2022, 4:31 PM
JaScript - avatar
+ 1
x=input() def function(y): return y[::-1] symbol=["+","×","÷","=","/","_","€","£","¥","₩","!","@","#","%","^","&","*","(",")","-"] for y in symbol : z=x.replace(y,"") print(function(z))
8th Jan 2022, 4:19 PM
Mostafa Ahmad
Mostafa Ahmad - avatar
+ 1
when I run the programme no thing replaced 🙂
8th Jan 2022, 4:19 PM
Mostafa Ahmad
Mostafa Ahmad - avatar
+ 1
Lisa thank you 😊
8th Jan 2022, 4:31 PM
Mostafa Ahmad
Mostafa Ahmad - avatar
+ 1
SoloProg thank you 😊
8th Jan 2022, 4:31 PM
Mostafa Ahmad
Mostafa Ahmad - avatar