15.2 practice
Can someone help me with the test case 1 and 2 on 15.2 practice? When I get test case 1 correct and try to to case 2, it shows case 1 as incorrect and case 2 as correct. Been trying for like 10 hours and I can’t understand what I’m doing wrong.
8 ответов
+ 5
This is how you solve it:
x = "cool"
y = 2
But there’s a system error. For me there’s an error in the problem being asked and the result; the result is for a different question so I can’t move on in the lesson because of this error. So far 5 others are having the same system error problem.
+ 3
Hi Everyone!
I tried something different and it ended up working for all Tests 1-4 although it only asked me Test 1. There’s still a system error for this section 15.2 but this solved it and I’m able to move forward.
x= input()
y= int(input())
Thank you for everyones teamwork!
+ 2
I’m glad I’m not the only one with issues. I can get both correct but can only do one of them. I thought it was just me!
+ 1
I understand that, but when i get test case 1 correct, and then move to test case 2 and get that correct, it is showing test case 1 as incorrect
+ 1
Question for Sololearn. How is 'coolcool' the output if we never wrote cool in the system? I'm a little lost at what the App is trying to teach us here.
Which course are you referring to?
Could you attach your attempt?
x = input()
?? Its saying that is correct. For python beginner
Alyson Mills
Read the string from the input and convert it to int (since we're going to multiply two integers). Repeat for the second input.