help with bash
Write a bash script to audit the following hardware spec in RHEL. The script should print out following specifications and also audit report should highlight specifications if they are not matching expected specifications Server Uptime Last Server Reboot Timestamp Server Local Time Zone [Expected IST, Highlight to NON-IST ] Last 10 installed packges with dates OS version [Expected RHEL family, Highlight for different os] Kernel version CPU - Virtual cores CPU - Clock speed CPU - Architecture [Expected x86-64 , Highlight for other than x86-64] Disk - Mounted/Unmounted volumes, type, storage Private and Public IP Private and Public DNS or Hostname Networking - Bandwidth Networking - OS Firewall (Allowed Ports & Protocols) Networking - Network Firewall (Allowed Ports & Protocols) CPU - Utilization [Expected Less than 60 %, Highlight CPU consumption] RAM - Utilization [Expected Less than 60 %,Highlight RAM consumption] Storage [Expected Less than 60 %, other wise Highlight Storage consumption