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Color Values
Can someone please explain to me how this color value work? I’m getting a hard time trying to understand it.
6 ответов
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Colors like #000000 or #ff0000 are hexadecimal coded colors, that means the numbers are represented not to the base of then but to the base of 16
red is
You could write it as
rgb(255, 0, 0)
It means full "volume" at r but 0 at g and b
In the hex color code the first 2 characters after # correspond to r, the 2nd 2 to g and the last 2 to b.
I suggest you to google "color picker" and play around with it and look how the hex and rgb codes change.
Which color value?
Can you please give an example?
I did not understand the color value lesson.
Yes, and I asked: Which color value?
Can you please mention the course name and the lesson number?
Okay. Html colors. Lesson 21.1. Thank you
Thanks a lot. I’ll check the color picker out too.