__gt__() python
Hello everyone, i have a little problem with the __gt__() method. class Shape: def __init__(self, w, h): self.width = w self.height = h def area(self): return self.width*self.height def __add__(self, other): return Shape(self.width + other.width, self.height + other.height) def __gt__(self, other): if Shape(self.width*self.height > other.width*other.height): return True else: return False w1 = int(input()) h1 = int(input()) w2 = int(input()) h2 = int(input()) s1 = Shape(w1, h1) s2 = Shape(w2, h2) result = s1 + s2 print(result.area()) print(s1 > s2) it returns "TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'h'" how can i fix it if i wanna know if the area of the s1 is bigger than the area of s2? also, can i call somehow the "area()" function from above? thanks for your help