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Дополнение думаю будет полезно
Как и в циклах while, операторы break и continue можно использовать в циклах for для завершения выполнения цикла или continue- пропуска итерации , в которой найден заявленный символ в условии поиска if
5 ответов
Q. I think it will be helpful
As with while loops, the break and continue statements can be used in for loops to end the execution of the loop or continue-skip the iteration where the declared symbol in the if search condition is found
A. So what is your question?
+ 1
Thanks for the info, but you should do it in the activity feed not in the discuss section.
Hope you understand! 😀
+ 1
Click on your profile, click activity, click posts, click '+', make a new post
Click on community (where we play challenges), click feed, click the text written below your profile.
no question. I suggest adding an explanation that improves understanding of the topic
I do not know where it is