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I was told to write a code that print the cost for everyone who's age started from four to above while ages three to below output nothing. I coded this but Sololearn still didn't accept it, but I tested my code on an IDE called Replit and it worked as mentioned as my task at Sololearn. can someone tell me why Sololearn won't accept it? My code below: Cost = 0 while 0 < 5: age = int(input()) if age > 3: Cost += 100 print(Cost)
11 ответов
+ 3
You have created an infinite loop, it's like writing: "while True:"
Read the while loop lesson carefully.
Also, the output of the result should be once.
+ 3
You enter data five times, and your code asks for data input an infinite number of times without receiving values.
+ 1
I mean like this:
Cost = 0
n = 0
while n < 5:
age = int(input())
if age > 3:
Cost += 100
n += 1
Do you know why the "need help" code still output the same result?
#add this in top
n = 0
#add this in bottom:
Do you mean like this?:
Cost = 0
n = 0
while n < 5:
age = int(input())
if age > 3:
Cost += 100
n += 1
in your line2,it is the same “while False”,it means all code which under the while will not work,so you need to change the condition of while.
Thanks Shalomdev it worked