Write a quiz bee program that will allow the user to answer 10 random multiple choice questions with 3 choices each.
Require the user to choose among A, B and C. Display the score Create the interface of the program using HTML and CSS
12 ответов
+ 2
Can you pick more than one choice per question in that code, cause I can't.
I don't hijack this thread, isn't hijacking be when I ask irrelevant things here? what we discuss here still on the boundary.
I will remove my notes from here anyways, I just hope the OP gets an idea what difference radio buttons and checkboxes has.
+ 1
I see your message, but I can't reply.
The second radio button has different names 👍
Now what if I change my mind before submitting the answers. Let's say I choose first and last option of a question, and I ended up wanting to mark only the last option; is that also possible the way a checkbox can be selected/unselected?
The title said random multiple choice questions though. Not sure if "among" allows multiple choice ...
Idk what you mean by get the multiple choices wrong, to my understanding, multiple choices allows one, or multiple options selected, or none at all.
Now why radio buttons with same name, while we know that only one of them can be selected, as I tested it in HTML.
- 1
Why the radio inputs though? aren't checkboxes more suitable for multiple choices?
- 2
Nooooooo I don't
- 3
- 3
I'm new here hello all 😁