Android Studio - Where is the navigation graph menu which I can create
Dear Community I am searching to implement the navigation graph in my new project from android studio. But by an update, this is not the same as in the documentation. https://developer.android.com/guide/navigation/navigation-getting-started Can someone help me? It should be under file/new/layout resource file https://www.sololearn.com/post/1618101/?ref=app Thank you for your help.
1 ответ
You can create a navigation graph directly from the Navigation Editor, by the way:
- Open your project in Android Studio.
- Open the res directory in the Project view.
- Expand the res directory and locate the navigation directory.
- Right-click on the navigation directory and select New > Navigation Resource File.
The dialog that appears:
- Enter a File name for your navigation graph.
Click on the OK button to create the navigation graph file.
- Once the navigation graph file is created, you can open it in the Navigation Editor by double-clicking on it.
These steps should help you create a navigation graph in your Android Studio project.