How to see users webcam in html
I have watched a video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVClHLwv-4I) to try to access the webcam using JavaScript and then changing the video tag source to the users webcam, but it still isn’t working for me and I don’t know why. I know though, navigator.getUserMedia is deprecated and you now have to use navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia. Please help me on how to do this.
9 ответов
+ 1
Sorry for the delay I just found your notification.
Are you still working on this project? If so yes please share show your code.
What code editor are you using?
Visual Studio Code
Do you want me to show you my code?
Yes. My code wasn’t pasting here just right now so here is my code: https://pastebin.com/WkfRCSaD
What is eternal javascript? I am using the live server VSCode extension.
You are missing part of the JS script. Go back to the video at 2:47 and copy exactly how you see it. Make sure you have the live view extension installed and the face-api.js library installed. Good luck!
If after correctly writing the JavaScript code and ensuring the extension is running: if it still does not work then, it is likely the APi is what is used to call the correct functions to access the webcam.
Ok, thanks!