- 2
Can anyone help me with a question? In python please message me.....
4 ответов
+ 2
Avi ,
your code is very close to pass the test conditions. this is your slightly improved code:
a = input().split()
#ah = 0
d = "ay"
#e = 0
for words in a:
ah = words[0] # this takes the first char of the word
#d = "ay"
e = words[1:] # this takes all characters except the very first one by using a slice
print(e+ah+d,end=" ")
+ 5
Avi ,
this is the best place where you can put your question, describe your issue and post a link of your code.
+ 1
Help me with this code it's question pig latin I am not able to paas test case 3 and 5
Thanks vro