How do i refactor the code so the rectangle can move without increasing???
5 ответов
+ 1
You have to redraw the entire rectangle each time the user pushes the button.
+ 1
Move your ctx.clearRect into your drawcircle function and change the parameters like this.
ctx.clearRect(startX,startY, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
function drawcircle() {
ctx.arc(100, 140, 30, 56, Math.PI * 2, true);
ctx.fillStyle = "red";
+ 1
Thks Anthony Joshua it's working perfectly 👌👍 buh pls 🙏 i need some explanation why does the clearRect needed to be in draw circle fuction??
+ 1
Okay, the proper way to use clearRect is to call it before you redraw to your canvas.
In an animation for example.
The order would be.
randomFunction = function() {
Clear canvas
Update (anything thats changing)
Its not the best example but straight forward to the point.
Every time the function is called it clears, updates, and redraws with the new parameters.
How do I do that