- 3
It still show me 1 error
import java.util.Scanner; //your code goes here public class Converter{ static int toBinary (){ String binary=""; int num; while (y>0){ binary = (y%2)+binary; y/=2; return num; } } } public class Program { public static void main(String[ ] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); int x = sc.nextInt(); int x == int y; System.out.print(Converter.toBinary(x)); } }
1 ответ
+ 5
You can continue in your last same post.. Why you need another dublicates one..? if it not helped, then you can delete one.., to avoid dublicates..
int x == int y ; is invalid statement..
**read about variable and its initialization a bit more..
You are passing x to toBinary method but not catching it..
For => toBinary(x) , the method definition must be like
toBinary (int y) { // you are using y , so
Not toBinary() {
**read about methods in java..
**read about return in method..
You have logic flaws also..
So before attempting, a bit more revise the topics..
You need to see some example, how to write correct syntax and logic..