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Discord bot
In what programing language is a discord bot programmable?
37 ответов
+ 7
If you really want to create a discord bot, you will need to actually READ documentation and tutorials. That means you will need to Google some stuff. Tibor Santa gave you a link, try it.
+ 4
Discord has got a REST API that works over HTTP protocol. It can be used with virtually ANY program language.
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You can choose between a variety of languages.
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There is no "best".
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I think Python is cool solution,if you want to do bots, because this language is made for automation and also for making bots
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before you can import a module, you need to make sure it is installed and Python can find it. Did you use pip? What error do you get?
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Janne yes, unfortunately it is no longer updated. The best option for this issue is to use forks like nextcord or pycord.
Chris Barrera discord.py??? Its soo good
Легкая документация есть для Python..
Can someone help me make a bot?
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Yeah, but what's the best?
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Ok, i'll try php
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I only can recommend Javacord that's a Java based libary for discord Bots. I myself can't tell you more(got that from a friend).
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In my opinion python is the best for it…
I wouldnt recommend php
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But idk were to get the API
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Use discord.py
Its easy to use and works really good
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i find python the easiest language to make a discord bot in. i use d.py (discord.py) for my discord bots and its fairly simple to use if you understand most of the python basics
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Do you know were can i get the API?
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i havent done python in a while but i think u do "import discord.py" or "import discord.ext.commands"