How should I learn CSS within... 10 days?
I have an Inter-school competition where I need to make 6 webpages including the home page (within 2 hours using HTML and CSS) using our creativity and our designing skills. If you see my profile, you'll see Java programs only. It's because I find CSS overwhelming and without that, I don't feel the same kick making a webpage (because I really like design). The box model is pretty easy, but keeping the properties in mind are not. I tried to start from MyAnimeList. I already had had an account and I have my anime watchlist pretty much beautifully sorted there. The thing is, we can insert our own CSS code there to make it look dope. Eventually, I started tweaking using the Inspect element on MS Edge. I'm still doing that. There are two problems: Firstly, I insert the selectors in the wrong manner. Secondly, I heard that making layouts from scratch is like using binary to code stuff, I need to depend on the pre-made layouts made by kind strangers (I hate this option). Any tips?