+ 24
What is your style of pseudocoding?
How do you prepare to code? Notes on a pad, flowchart, bullet points on whiteboard, comments in Sublime? How much time/effort do you put into this?
38 ответов
+ 33
Doubled Styling:
Notes on a pad and,
Comments in Sublime!
Most of my time gets wasted on writing notes on a pad...ever wondering of writing comments xD
+ 17
I always make flowcharts on Microsoft Visio before making the project.
First I make the diagram of the database which I will use in my project. (not in oop)
Then I list out the names of classes(in oop) / names of the pages(in web projects).
Then I make a simple flowchart of which query will I execute in which function(in oop) / in which page (web).
Then I recheck everything and dig into the code. ;)
+ 11
patient, milk, brain and note
+ 11
Most of the time in my mind palace and if needed, I figure out the partial code by pen and paper or rather whatever I can get nearby at the instant to write on, sometimes I even write on newspapers as they are always laying here & there in my house 😶
+ 10
actually you should use Uml, but who does;-)
+ 9
I have something called a brain where I store informations, ideas etc. I can then easily call those notes when writing code.
+ 7
noted on a pad, comment sublime...
+ 7
Visualize it on my mind-->make corrections and modifications there and when I'm satisfied-->go straight to coding.
+ 7
I take notes of the algorithms to be included and start off writing code thereafter. I hardly do the flowcharts. I'd rather do the decision table.
I think flowcharts are derived from pseudocodes.
Pseudocodes are the written algorithms in human language rather than the graphical representation of the same in the Flowcharts.
+ 6
I dont at all. I should I know
+ 6
it really depends on how big your project that you want to develop.
+ 6
Ballpoint pen, paper
-> Draws curvy lines in a circle pointing to a letter
:: Oh wow, a masterpiece
-- The curvy lines represent what will happen the letters represents the output and a circle represents a single algorithm some question mark represents if else statement -----> This represents while loops and so on lol
+ 6
notes and research for over 3 hours after i finish my schoolwork
+ 5
Normally I take notes on a sheet of paper about everything I have to fix and every feature I have to add to the program. Then I just code. When I have to debug algorithms, however, having some paper and a pen is very important for me, as I write down every single step with all of the variables changes and I try to improve it.
also having a whiteboard where I can plan everything (especially regarding the UI) is very useful.
+ 5
I just take a sheet of paper with a pen/pencil and make some drawings or write down steps how I will create my program 😃
+ 4
I always start too generic on paper, to end up loosing my self in the details on the editor.
At that point: reorganization including new details.
Repeat until i'm satisfied of the result.
+ 4
i always use my brain and a paper to solve any problem that faced me...
+ 3
If I need to write a big complex program, I will use my window to write and plan it.
+ 3
Formally I use my whiteboard, then after I validate this using my Ipython interpreter. If i want to do a more academic work I use the algo60 format in my latex notebooks, beer,tequila, coffee is okay to me.
+ 3
I usually either 1. write down what I need to add on a piece of paper, or 2. make a script where I put comments everywhere and lisdt what I need to add and erase it when I am done with it.