+ 1
How to read this?
Hi all! Could anyone walk me through why the output is 3? Not sure what happens here: print([1,2,3,4][1:3][1])
7 ответов
+ 8
# print out the intermediate steps
x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
y = x[1:3]
z = y[1]
+ 3
It's because the second [] is a list slice.
With this, you're just getting the 1 and 2 index of the list.
the third [] is the index you're choosing from the slice.
Remember that the index begin from 0. So you have:
The slice gets the 1 to 3. The 3 will not enter in the count. So you'll have:
with this you making "a new list".
Then you are choosing the [1] from the new list, that is the number 3:
I don't know if I made myself clear. haha'
+ 3
The code print([1,2,3,4][1:3][1]) will print the value 3.
The code first creates a list containing the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4.
The list is then indexed using [1:3], which returns a new list containing the elements at index 1 and 2 from the original list (i.e., the numbers 2 and 3).
This new list is then indexed again using [1], which returns the element at index 1 of the list (i.e., the number 3).
Finally, the print function is called to print the value of this element to the screen.
+ 2
print(f'{[1,2,3,4][1:3][1] = }')
print(f'{[1,2,3,4][1:3] = }')
print(f'{[2,3][1] = }')
+ 1
Thank you all! 🙏
+ 1
Let's consider [1,2,3,4] which I will assign to a, a = [1,2,3,4]
y=[1:3] is slicing of the above list, the result of which is
If you print the index[1] of the above list, the result is 3,
Note the index starts with 0
+ 1
In this code first print list
0,1,2,3 --> index
Then [1:3] this number index of list which element are store or print
That means print index(1or2) [2,3] last number are not count in slicing .
After than execute [1]
That print index(1) in this list [2,3]
Now we got output 3.
For more info you can check this code