+ 1

Seeking guidance and advice from PRO MEGA TOP-G coders.🙏

Okay, so I'm a beginner in the coding field and IT in general. I've chosen python as a 1st language, based on all the info I've found on YT during my "what to start" research. I've completed SL beginner and intermediate courses, while digging deeper on other websites if I had some confusions about any lesson. And actually felt good when being able to write something myself. Everyone says about "more practice" so I digged in deeper and found codewars.com and actually completed A LOT of beginner/intermediate practices, not always fast and surely not always easy. It's been like 4-5 months since my journey in python started. And I was, as I said, pretty happy with myself. But now, in the course "Python Core". And if OOP was confusing and hard, but "logical" in someway, or at least understandable if u dig deeper. The "Regular Expression" and "Special Sequence" feels way2much like ancient Egyptian and its only getting harder. So q is: Is there a way to better understand all this and whats to come? tips/tricks?

28th Dec 2022, 1:35 AM
Eugene - avatar
2 ответов
#Thread #2 And did everyone on their journey encountered this? I mean, it's really discouraging and feels like a wall... Maybe any advise on how to overcome that wall? Maybe some personal stories how you , the top-gs, big guys, gurus of coding managed to handle something like that?
28th Dec 2022, 1:42 AM
Eugene - avatar
+ 3
Well, the majority of us code learners did stumble on things, felt so bad, asked for help. It happens to new beginners, what can I say, we can't expect to be able to walk without first crawling, stumble and fall, can we? I'm no top-g, guru or anything, but this I can say for sure - We all go through that wall one way or another, sooner or later. What we try to get through may differ, but we all come out on the other side of the wall eventually, except we opt to surrender of course. Unfortunately I don't know for sure what else to suggest except for what others had, to have more practice. Well for me personally though, I also learn by viewing other people's codes, I get to know new stuffs I didn't know. And the code comments provided in SoloLearn is a great way to ask the author in case I have a doubt. Final words, don't feel too bad about the wall, it's just a normal phase we all go through while learning something new. Too much said, anyways, see you later at the other side ; )
28th Dec 2022, 4:55 AM