+ 1
How to identify color name when its form of hexa number?
Example:- black #000000
4 ответов
+ 5
This site provides a search feature that allows visitors to search colour name given its hex value https://www.color-name.com/colors
I have no idea about accuracy, but my search tests on basic colours (in hex - out name) appeared to be correct this far
+ 5
There are roughly 16 million hex color combinations, and only a handful of them have a name. It is perfectly fine to refer to the hex code only in your code.
+ 2
You'll need to use a library for that. There are a few libraries (and a few other methods that take too much work) discussed in this thread
EDIT: I assumed that you wanted the color names for displaying or some other purpose. But if it's solely for the purpose of using color names in code as opposed to the hex codes, then as @Tibor Santa says, you can directly use hex codes in your CSS and JavaScript code.
+ 1
Hi u can use this site to get your colour