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Help for Basket Players code project.
#Task : The given code includes a list of heights for various basketball players. #You need to calculate and output how many players are in the range of one standard deviation from the mean. #MyCode: import math as mt import numpy as np a = np.array([180, 172, 178, 185, 190, 195, 192, 200, 210, 190]) mean = np.sum(a) / a.size variance = np.sum((a-mean)**2)/a.size std_deviation = mt.sqrt(variance) result = 0 for x in a : if x in range (int(mean-std_deviation),int(mean+std_deviation+1)) : result+=1 print(result) print(variance) print(std_deviation ) #There's one case , it's hidden , where's the problem here ?
3 ответов
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Ben Hamida Mohamed Amine
In the range() funtion, using int() on the calculated min value (mean - std) of 178.63 truncates it to the integer 178. This ends up making the range include the 178 value from the array, which is incorrect.
I don't think range() can be used here, since it only accepts integers and your actual range values are floats. Try using simple relational operations instead. Something like this:
if (x >= mean-std) and (x <= mean+std):
Also, you can compute the mean and std dev directly in numpy:
To further shorten the code, you can make use of numpy's boolean masking instead of a loop:
a = np.array([...])
mask = (a>=a.mean()-a.std()) & (a<=a.mean()+a.std())
+ 2
Ben Hamida Mohamed Amine remember to mark Mozzy's answer as best to give XP credit.
This is my replacement for range to fix your code:
if abs(x - mean)<=std_deviation:
+ 1
Thanks i solved it