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cin not working on mobile
Hi guys Im trying to solve the Bus Service Practice in c++.. Somehow the cin is not working / does not popup. Any Ideas, why this is not working? Cannot finish the practice without the cin function.
11 ответов
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Weird. Tried your code, works for me on Android. The code doesn't work but the popup does. Does cin work for you for different problems? I assume yes as you've gotten this far. Maybe close the app restart and see if it still happens.
If so you should email:
and report it, could be a bug.
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soNa are you creating the code under Sololearn's Web code editor instead of the C++ editor? That would be a good reason why it is not prompting you. In Sololearn, each language section Run command scans for language-specific keywords to determine whether to prompt for input before the run. When you create new code, select the appropriate language (in this case C++) when it prompts you for the language.
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Please show your complete code so we can check on it.
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soNa some persons in the past have made the mistake of choosing the wrong language to edit the code, and then wondered why it did not behave as desired. I thought I'd check, just in case it would help. It sounds like that is not the case here.
Can you please specify the Practice Number.
For Example : 2.1 or 4.3
Number 11 : Code Project
You may need to copy your code and paste it here, or select Save As and insert it. Works fine for me on mobile phone. Perhaps you're making a syntax error.
When you try to run the code is there a reported error?
For example:
if i put this code in Web Compiler Sololearn, the Cin Input popup showing up but not on the phone (ios)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
//your code goes here
int busTransport = 50;
int waitingStation = 126;
int emptySeats;
int input;
cin >> input;
emptySeats = waitingStation -busTransport;
cout << emptySeats;
return 0;
Hi. Your variable (input) doesn't have any role in this code maybe because of this cin is not working. Also you have to calculate the number of passengers of the last bus by operator %. At the end, subtract the number of whole passengers From the number obtained in the previous step.
Brian What do you mean with creating the code under Web code editor instead C++ Editor? Is there a way to choose the Editor in the App? i open the App and choose my language C++ and start with the practice.
You wrote: "Is there a way to choose the Editor in the App? i open the App and choose my language C++ and start with the practice."
I'm assuming by practice you mean c++ code practice 11 "Transportation".
Don't know about ios, but with the Android app, when you open the app there's a tab at the bottom - Create.
When you select that you can select "New Code", choose the language, and it launches an editor/compiler inside the app. You can create your own code or paste one in, for example one copied from a lesson or Code Coach. It allows you to get extra practice, as well as working on Code Coaches while having control of the input and a better view of the output console.