Why we learn JQuery ?
7 ответов
+ 5
AR Tahsin
The purpose of jQuery is to make it much easier to use JavaScript on your website. jQuery takes a lot of common tasks that require many lines of JavaScript code to accomplish, and wraps them into methods that you can call with a single line of code.
You can learn from here(website)...
MDN (JavaScript's official documentation)
for more information you can take...
1_Take online courses.
2_Watch video tutorials.
3_Read books and ebooks.
+ 6
It is advisable to conduct a search in the discussion section prior to posting your question, as there may be existing threads containing relevant information.
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+ 2
jQuery is a JavaScript library that makes it easier to manipulate HTML and CSS in web pages.
It provides an easy-to-use API that simplifies many common tasks such as manipulating the DOM, handling events, making AJAX requests, and creating animations.
While jQuery is still widely used, it has lost some of its popularity in recent years with the rise of modern JavaScript frameworks like React, Vue, and Angular. However, it can still be useful for smaller projects or for working with legacy code.
If you're interested in learning jQuery, there are many resources available online, some of my favourites are
W3Schools jQuery Tutorial: https://www.w3schools.com/jquery/
TutorialsPoint jQuery Tutorial: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/jquery/index.htm
jQuery Cheatsheet: https://oscarotero.com/jquery/
Hope this helps 😊✌️
+ 1
Tนktนk💕 Thanks
+ 1
Learning jQuery has become more redundant in modern JavaScript, and learning React.js is now even more important.
Sadaam Linux Thanks