+ 5
6th Jun 2023, 6:45 AM
Ferdous ☑
Ferdous ☑ - avatar
19 ответов
+ 7
You should not use a regular string literal as comment. Even if it is valid syntax, but semantically misplaced and confusing. Follow the PEP8 guidelines. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/708649/JUMP_LINK__&&__python__&&__JUMP_LINK-comments-vs-strings https://peps.python.org/pep-0008/
6th Jun 2023, 8:36 AM
Tibor Santa
Tibor Santa - avatar
6th Jun 2023, 6:55 AM
Hasnain [ACTIVE CHALLENGER] - avatar
+ 4
Fꫀⲅძ᥆͟ᥙ᥉᯽ It's probably SoloLearn's bug. I tried the code on my IDE but it didnt ask user to input anything.
6th Jun 2023, 10:59 AM
Dragon RB
Dragon RB - avatar
+ 3
Tibor Santa, Hasnain [ACTIVE CHALLENGER] But it's still taking input from multi-line input
6th Jun 2023, 10:37 AM
Ferdous ☑
Ferdous ☑ - avatar
+ 2
In python the comments should be written in hashtag #️⃣ not in single quote
6th Jun 2023, 6:49 AM
Hasnain [ACTIVE CHALLENGER] - avatar
+ 2
Read the yellow box in second lesson to know about it
6th Jun 2023, 6:55 AM
Hasnain [ACTIVE CHALLENGER] - avatar
+ 2
I think this happens because of the using RegEx in Playground, and if your code contains any "input" word followed by an open parenthesis, causes the input box to show. Check below commands separately: print(" Word input with open parenthesis :( ") print(" Word input with close parenthesis :) ")
6th Jun 2023, 11:03 AM
Artin Azari
Artin Azari - avatar
+ 2
Fꫀⲅძ᥆͟ᥙ᥉᯽ it’s not a Sololearn bug, because DOCSTRING is NOT a COMMENT. The text (code) in the ‘’’ ‘’’ partly executes. But the text (code) after # Doesn’t executes. Python hasn’t got multiline comments like C (not ++).
7th Jun 2023, 2:20 PM
aewerdev - avatar
+ 1
This is not a way of commenting.
6th Jun 2023, 6:48 AM
Hasnain [ACTIVE CHALLENGER] - avatar
6th Jun 2023, 10:37 AM
Ferdous ☑
Ferdous ☑ - avatar
+ 1
Artin Azari So, they used regular expression in the code playground? Does this happen to other online compiler, as well?
6th Jun 2023, 11:09 AM
Dragon RB
Dragon RB - avatar
+ 1
Artin Azari the comment "#input()" will stop the code playground from asking user for input, I checked.
6th Jun 2023, 11:10 AM
Dragon RB
Dragon RB - avatar
+ 1
Yes, my guess is that regex is used, but I don't know about other online IDEs. And about the comment using character #, sorry, I made a mistake.
6th Jun 2023, 11:35 AM
Artin Azari
Artin Azari - avatar
+ 1
😲😲😲😨😨😨a very BIG bug you should report that to the sololearn...
7th Jun 2023, 5:11 PM
Excellence Kawej
Excellence Kawej - avatar
That's not how you use comment. For one line comment, use '#'. For multi-line, I think you can use (" " "), or (' ' ').
6th Jun 2023, 6:50 AM
Dragon RB
Dragon RB - avatar
6th Jun 2023, 10:35 AM
Ferdous ☑
Ferdous ☑ - avatar
Putting # before a = input() like #a = input() Is not asking for input so it's not a sololearn bug
8th Jun 2023, 4:14 AM
Vinay K
Vinay K - avatar
Try to remove the input in the comment it will not ask for writting something. so it's surely a sololearn bug
8th Jun 2023, 7:03 AM
Excellence Kawej
Excellence Kawej - avatar