+ 2
Sololearn challenged me
Sololearn literally challenged me in JS. Is this rare? Should I accept the challenge?
5 ответов
+ 11
It happens occasionally. Feel free to accept challenges from Sololearn or from real users. You have nothing to lose. Even if you fail some answers, you can encounter some interesting problems, learn new language features, and improve your ability to analyse code in a constrained time. If you play a lot of challenges, the questions may get a bit repetitive. But solving them again can reinforce your knowledge. Especially if you investigate the interesting cases and try them for yourself.
+ 2
If users are challenging you, that's great! And if you want to challenge someone, you can accept the challenge. If not, you can go to the settings and then go to "Manage Weapons" where you can choose your preferred programming language to take up challenges. You can enable the language in which you enjoy taking challenges and disable the ones you don't prefer.
+ 1
Lucas Park it not rare , when you are not active challenger , sololearn Bot sends challenge , from it they try to make you a active challenger .
+ 1
If you accept the SoloLearn's challenge it will challenge you once in every two days as far as you keep accepting those.
If you deny or don't accept it, SoloLearn will stop challenging you. In this case to make it challenge you again you need to challenge some other person at least once.