+ 3
¿Why sololearn doesnt translate?
Hi, so my english its “good” but i feel that its becoming harder to understand the courses meanwhile i advance, most of times im tired and dont have the mental capacity for take courses of scripting on english. My problem is, i already changed the languaje but the course is still on english. ¿They are translated? or only the menu is translated. I love cats.
6 ответов
+ 10
It sounds like you should take a break to let your mind rest.
+ 4
Hi, if you want to have a good career in programming or computer science, you must learn English and to have a medium level , because most all of the best ressources like books , courses and other are in English.
+ 2
Again, im not perfect on english i can understand, but the problem is that my brain is tired after studing from 8 am to 18 pm and sometimes 21 pm if i dont need to help my mom whit is work or take care of a child. i just want to have a more easier task in the evening and dont put on fire my brain, but ok. Ty i guess.
+ 1
I disnt noticed what i do on my daily routine lol now i feel bad
+ 1
Jorge Navarrete I understand you, but note that many people here also have a difficult life. English is not their native language. They are here because they want to improve their lives.
So, you just need to reorganize your life, make a good plan, and take breaks from time to time.
bro programming is always in English alphabets , like you can't write a code in your mother tongue it will cause syntax error.