Tic tac toe web game

Need help determining the error. Change player not functioning. https://code.sololearn.com/WtS4kNL5iP5u/?ref=app

25th Sep 2023, 6:31 PM
June Nikko Pepito
June Nikko Pepito - avatar
7 ответов
+ 1
I have noticed that there is no class name called "displayPlayer" in the HTML part, and the changePlayer function does not have the parentheses next to it at line 89, and made some other changes.. https://code.sololearn.com/WlgGEFFS40S9/?ref=app
26th Sep 2023, 5:12 AM
Dragon RB
Dragon RB - avatar
+ 1
I like to debug using console.log(). place them in areas to see what variables are doing and if functions are getting called. i put a console.log("i'm getting called") in your changePlayer function and nothing is printing to the console...
25th Sep 2023, 8:05 PM
Aaron Lee
Aaron Lee - avatar
+ 1
Keeeeen Nice! 👍 The code wasn't too complicated for me so I can fix it..
26th Sep 2023, 5:24 AM
Dragon RB
Dragon RB - avatar
+ 1
Keeeeen Next time, if an error or bug occur in your code, check your code spelling if it's correct.. If it is, you may need to check the code syntax or ask people.
26th Sep 2023, 5:27 AM
Dragon RB
Dragon RB - avatar
Do you have any idea how to fix it?
25th Sep 2023, 8:42 PM
June Nikko Pepito
June Nikko Pepito - avatar
Thank you so much Dragon RB made the same changes to my code and some little bits. Now it all works well. The player display on the tiles has the colors now too. https://code.sololearn.com/WtS4kNL5iP5u/?ref=app
26th Sep 2023, 5:21 AM
June Nikko Pepito
June Nikko Pepito - avatar
Dragon RB i was checking my spellings on the js tab thoroughly last night but couldn't find it. Figured the problem was on the HTML side. Thank you so much for the help.
26th Sep 2023, 5:35 AM
June Nikko Pepito
June Nikko Pepito - avatar