what shall I do? After I have completed python intermidate course , I have forgot everything.

to say that I feel as if I were not learning.

27th Oct 2023, 10:18 PM
Moges Tesema Mekonen
Moges Tesema Mekonen - avatar
6 ответов
+ 5
retake it? or, look for simple python projects to create something? 25 python projects for beginners: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/python-projects-for-beginners/#mad-libs-python-project it's easy to forget things if you don't apply them!
27th Oct 2023, 11:06 PM
Aaron Lee
Aaron Lee - avatar
+ 5
Rain , To restart a course you need to subscribe to pro. personally I find comments not useful as they were in the past, they are usually distracting especially if the content is updated.
29th Oct 2023, 12:08 AM
Mafdi - avatar
+ 2
It happens to me very often. I learned something from here, completed a course, and few days later I forgot a big part of it (well, mostly syntax and the advance topics). To strength your memory, you can try to code coach challenge within community section. There have many challenges range from easy to hard. By solving the challenges you strengthen your memory. When you feel you are ready you can start a coding project of your own.
28th Oct 2023, 1:44 AM
Wong Hei Ming
Wong Hei Ming - avatar
+ 1
It's normal to forget some things, but if you forget everything, it probably means that you rushed in taking more lessons and not practicing much. You can review the Python intermediate or take Python developer course. While going through the lessons, you should play with the example codes as much as you can and write your own code ideas. Also, try to solve the code coach challenges in the community section.
27th Oct 2023, 11:20 PM
Mafdi - avatar
+ 1
Moges Tesema Mekonen , To restart a course, go to that course. Then choose "Restart course" in the menu. This time, ignore the "Keep your streak" warnings from Sololearn that urge you to rush through. It's better to lose your streak and "keep your knowledge" instead by taking the time to fully explore and absorb each topic. And read all the comments. They often give more information than the course materials do.
29th Oct 2023, 12:01 AM
Rain - avatar
+ 1
Mafdi , Ah. I see you are right. The "Restart course" option is available in the menu but takes you to an ad when selected if you're not pro. Moges Tesema Mekonen , You can still re-read any completed lessons just by clicking them again, even without restarting the course.
30th Oct 2023, 5:54 PM
Rain - avatar