Can anyone explain everything in this code?
#include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string input,input1; cin>>input>>input1; stringstream ss(input),ss1(input1); string token,token1; int prod = 1, prod1 = 1; while(getline(ss,token,',')){ int number = stoi(token); prod *= number; } while(getline(ss1,token1,',')){ int number1 = stoi(token1); prod1 *= number1; } if(prod>prod1){cout<<"Apartment A";} else{cout<<"Apartment B";} return 0; }
1 ответ
+ 2
Rather than starting out explaining what a hash sign means, I suggest you try ChatGPT for this.
Go ahead and ask it to explain the code, and paste your code there.
You will get amazing results, it can analyse in broad terms what the code does, and then takes it apart statement by statement.
If you are wondering about a particular piece of this code, then please ask a more specific question.
Example from the ChatGPT output below:
This C++ code reads two input strings, each containing comma-separated numbers, and then computes the product of the numbers in each input string. Finally, it compares the products and outputs whether "Apartment A" or "Apartment B" is better, based on the product values. Let's break down the code step by step:
Include necessary header files:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
These lines include the required C++ standard library headers for input and output operations, string manipulation, and stringstream.
Declare the main function:
int main() {
This is the entry point of the program, where the execution begins.
Declare variables:
string input, input1;
Two string variables, input and input1, are declared to store the input strings.