+ 3
Arjun Dawande Did you complete at least 1 lesson? I'm not 100% sure but I think you might have needed to for it to remain available to you.
+ 2
they are being updated?
Is it really important to know why!?
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I need assistance so i have been learning python here on my mobile phone and am only afew lessons away from my certificate but i don't even know how strat writing a line of code i think this app shuf be modified so after afew lessons u go to the py and practice writing code
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Arjun Dawande, send a feedback to sololearn or contact info@sololearn.com; then start learning R from other sources available for free on the internet.
I say that because we cannot do anything. We cannot turn that course back.
Sammy Gichuki, please avoid hijacking other users' questions, and post your own question.