+ 16
why most of the code coaches in the latest update are now only for pro account? (android app version)
i just have encountered that 47 of 72 code coaches now can only be accessed by having a pro account. only 25 exercises will be accessible for all. >>> this means that we can not see our codes that we have done over the time. this is really a poor behavior from sololearn. they should have noticed the community, so that we could have a chance and time to backup our codes. i will send a copy of this post to sololearn, but since i am on their blacklist 🤣🤣🤣, i don't think that there will be an answer to me.
13 ответов
+ 8
thank you all for your comments,
i know that many learners not just solved the code coaches in their favorite language but they have also done it in some other languages.
i used python, java, c++, c, ruby and c#. i also have done several versions and attempts for each exercise, so for me code coach is a kind of repository.
+ 7
I can't post my Poker Hand solution now. Guess dealer wins 🤔
I've completed all 71 of the other Code Coach challenges.
+ 6
some more users reported that they cannot even access their old solutions.
+ 3
https://www.sololearn.com/coach/18?ref=app >New Driver's License
https://www.sololearn.com/coach/19?ref=app >It's a Sign
https://www.sololearn.com/coach/68?ref=app >Mathematics
https://www.sololearn.com/coach/76?ref=app >Password Validation
https://www.sololearn.com/coach/77?ref=app >Security
https://www.sololearn.com/coach/78?ref=app >2D Map
https://www.sololearn.com/coach/92?ref=app >Hofstadter's Q-Sequence
https://www.sololearn.com/coach/93?ref=app >Digits of Pi
https://www.sololearn.com/coach/95?ref=app >Longest Common Substring
https://www.sololearn.com/coach/97?ref=app >Poker Hand
https://www.sololearn.com/coach/99?ref=app >Word Rank
+ 3
You are the winner if you write a function to randomly generate a deck as your code input and verify the result manually...
+ 2
Not only won't we have access to our code, we won't have access to the descriptions in case someone asks for help.
I still hold that these moves must be made by a new person who has never been a Sololearn user and doesn't understand how Sololearn works and is being accidentally, if not negligently, disruptive and destructive in an effort to look busy.
+ 2
+ 2
I solved 59 Code Coaches, and all my code is now gone.
+ 1
Matt Stanton ,
Are you sure all your code is gone? I can still see my code in the non-pro ones.
+ 1
It involves heavy coding sometimes, especially in the later stage.
So it is best coding on PC.
If I remember correctly, code coach's Poker Hand involves heavy too.
Writing long code on the phone is a pain.
This is a similar challenge about poker.
I think you can refactor the code to complete this challenge.
Also, Tibor Santa created a private leaderboard and you can find the code here.
Wong Hei Ming ,
Too bad adventofcode.com isn't mobile friendly.
Looks like they removed the restriction now.