6 ответов
+ 6
Try the code coach under community section.
+ 2
+ 2
Gabi_kun :3 ,
My favorite Python basic is how names and values actually work.
Sololearn doesn't teach it.
This Ned Batchelder talk is a must-watch paradigm shifter for anyone coming to Python from another language.
And his web page on the same topic.
+ 2
Rain I've read about reference counting but didn't know that it was called garbage collection, my english wasn't good enough to understand they are the same thing, I thought "garbage collection" were for other languages, I knew about the gc module that allows you to control the garbage collector of Python but still thought that Python doesn't use that, thanks for the text I wouldn't notice it if it wasn't because you
+ 1
Abhinav Singh ,
This search listed 8 different sites at the top of the page with tens, hundreds, or thousands of Python practice challenges each.
This article lists more.
+ 1
Once you understand the very basics of python you'll be fine, when I say the very basics I refer to the most basic things, not the most simple things, for example did you know that everything in a expression is no more than implicit calls to special methods with this format?: ".__<special_m
1 + 2 == (1).__add__(2)
The python interactive console, repr(), dir() and help() are your best friends when learning python,
repr() gets called by str() (if .__str__() is not defined) str() at the same time is implicitly called by print(), repr() is also implicitly called in the python interactive console, so you normally don't have to use it manually
Also did you know that all classes are subclasses of the "object" built-in class? If you call object.__subclasses__() you gonna get all existent classes, even those of modules
locals() and globals() built-in functions are great to understand how local and global scopes work