Witch language is closest to Kotlin
I am working on an app and a team i have employed have done some of the work in kotlin. But now I want to learn how to code and look at the work they have done so far. Since my app gather users phone number and contact persons number why do I need an api and a service like Twilio to send a text message from user to contact person when my app have access to both? My idea is to program the app to access the 'users' contact list on their mobile phone and send a pre-written sms to the contact person, when a trigger on the app is activated. Any Ideas?
3 ответов
+ 5
There used to be a Kotlin course on Sololearn, it is currently not available, except for those users who already completed it.
Java is probably the closest what you can learn here.
Some public and free Kotlin courses:
+ 1
Kotlin is a superset of java, but kotlin's code and java are not similar not even by 0.1% so I'll say no language is similar to Kotlin.
Kotlin is the God's programming language.
Now back to your app, I'll assume the app is natively written in jetpack compose. If you don't want to to use external API, then you need to request the permission inside your manifest.xml file
Then at runtime, you can request the permission and use contentResolver to query the contact
Please fix the typo in post's title
"Witch language is closest to Kotlin" -> "Which language is closest to Kotlin"