Could someone debug the code, the output should be: Hello My name is Mark
text = 'HelloMyNameIsMark' # text is a string # using list comprehension to separate each word in text. modified_text = "".join( [letter if letter.islower() else " " + letter.lower() if letter in ['N','I'] else ' ' for letter in text] )[1:] print(modified_text)
26 ответов
+ 4
Okay, fair. I assumed it was Python based on the fact that the OP (Original Poster) has taken a few Python courses. And I've been helping on this platform for years. I recognize a pattern. Although I don't believe we need to see the file extension or file type each time someone shows a line of code. I agree that properly adding tags that reflect the coding language is helpful.
+ 5
Aaron Paul You almost had it right
[letter if letter.islower() else " " + letter if letter in ['N', 'I'] else " " + letter for letter in text]
+ 5
'list comprehension' in the tag would be a hint that it's Python.
+ 4
Yash Thale
it's called list comprehension. It is basically if-else statements written inside a list [ ] so you get a list of elements that conforms to those conditional expressions.
+ 3
RuntimeTerror It is python code
+ 3
Bob_Li that is not obvious enough. 🕵️♂️
+ 3
😁😁😁, yeah. Might have been Mojo.
+ 3
Thanks Aaron Paul i'm happy to help.
+ 2
you really don't need a list if you're going to join it to a string in the end.
alternative form using generator expression instead of list comprehension and a simple string 'NI' instead of list ['N','I'] for the 'in' condtion. I also rearranged the condtions a bit:
modified_text = ''.join((' '+x.lower() if x in 'NI' else ' '+x if x.isupper() else x for x in text))[1:]
+ 2
Chris coder your code ran successfully, it'd been giving me headache.
+ 2
Why is this discussion becomes a comment war?
+ 1
What you posted can't be debugged cos it's not a code. I'll suggest you attach the actual code so it will be accessible
+ 1
No, I'm not taking sides. I'm trying to defuse the animosity by adding a bit of lighthearted banter.
You're correct in requesting for a definitive coding language in the tag. Wrong assumptions are a common pitfall, especially in coding.
Chris Coder and I making the assumption that it's Python is perhaps a bit hasty, but the OP can correct us if we were wrong.
The trouble with posting and written text is that the tone of the message is hard to convey. Misinterpretation of emotion is very common. What is supposed to be a lighthearted remark might be taken as a disparaging statement by the other party. So we end up with... this snowball.
+ 1
Chris Coder
and...you're rolling the snowball again 🫨
+ 1
maybe the OP should mark this topic as closed...
+ 1
👀 🍿
Chris Coder to be fair, it's not a Python code if it's not in a .py or .cpy. it looks more of a Wikipedia pseudocode or the code I'm ask to write on paper during exams
RuntimeTerror Python code remains Python code as long as it follows Python syntax and rules. If you are an experienced coder, you should be able to determine a coding language by its syntax
I can name atleast 3 languages that use this syntax including ruby, groovy and gdscript.
What makes Python code a Python code is not the syntax but the .py or .cpy filename which only the Python interpreter understand.
Also many pseudocode uses this syntax, they're never Python and as a non-beginner, many pseudocode exists like this EXCEPT they are explicitly identified somewhere at the top as ".py, .cpp, .html" etc
That's how the standard works not by assumption
<p>Hello world</p>
Could be htmx, which is not html. The fact is I'm not wrong by asking OP to share the actual code and won't make an assumption to bring out the fool in myself.
If you think that's Python fine, I'm not worried about that. But then my reply has no harm in it.
You make assumptions, I don't !
everyone just act strange on sololearn now