Para que me sirve javascript
4 ответов
+ 1
better to learn a decent of English to get helped in this community
+ 1
JavaScript es una lengua de programacion que te permité hacer decisiones y operacione en el "cliente" el navigador de web. Por ejemplo pedir el numbre del usario y luego en pagina web esribes <h1> hola juan </h1> si el usario inserto juan o <h1> hola maria </h1> si el numbre era maria
+ 1
I know a little bit of French and that makes understand a little bit .
and I think what you said was :
JavaScript is a programming language that able to change HTML elements .....
+ 1
I know a little bit of French and that makes understand a little bit .
and I think what you said was :
JavaScript is a programming language that able to change HTML elements .....