
players = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Eve", "Frank"] #Create 3 lists with 2 players each #Use slicing to create a list for Group 1 g1 = #Use slicing to create a list for Group 2 g2 = #Use slicing to create a list for Group 3 g3 = print("Group 1:") #display the 1st group print("Group 2:") #display the 2nd group print("Group 3:") #display the 3rd group

19th Jan 2025, 6:35 PM
stefan lucchesi
stefan lucchesi - avatar
7 ответов
+ 4
stefan lucchesi , you have already posted the same topic ***5 times***. this doesn't help for speeding up the process of solving the issue. > as Ausgrindtube already mentioned, it's up to you now to present a serious code attempt first.
19th Jan 2025, 7:42 PM
Lothar - avatar
+ 3
Hi stefan lucchesi , we know the task, what we need to see is how you've tried to solve it. How do you split/slice a list? Can you add your code like this guide? https://sololearn.com/compiler-playground/Wek0V1MyIR2r/?ref=app https://sololearn.com/compiler-playground/W3uiji9X28C1/?ref=app
19th Jan 2025, 6:40 PM
Ausgrindtube - avatar
20th Jan 2025, 3:34 AM
BroFar - avatar
Sebuah Pengusaha umim Jidaerah maransi membuka usaha Pmn dengan modal sebesar 3.000.000 dengan Penjualaan Perhari 500.000 Setelah itu mengalami Penurunan atıbab Coved 19 dengan hasil Penjualan 15 menpdi yang dialami Pengusaha tersebut 150.000 Perhari berapa Persen Kerugian bedasar kasus diatas maka dapat ditentutan hası Penerapan algoritma berupa Flowchart, Pseudocode dan bahasa pomogramar Java
20th Jan 2025, 3:29 AM
Muhammad Rizal
Muhammad Rizal - avatar
Sebuah Pengusaha umim Jidaerah maransi membuka usaha Pmn dengan modal sebesar 3.000.000 dengan Penjualaan Perhari 500.000 Setelah itu mengalami Penurunan atıbab Coved 19 dengan hasil Penjualan 15 menpdi yang dialami Pengusaha tersebut 150.000 Perhari berapa Persen Kerugian bedasar kasus diatas maka dapat ditentutan hası Penerapan algoritma berupa Flowchart, Pseudocode dan bahasa pomogramar Java
20th Jan 2025, 3:30 AM
Muhammad Rizal
Muhammad Rizal - avatar
stefan lucchesi Please follow the guidelines, there will be consequences if they are not followed! And if you have time, Please read what BroFar posted, it will help a lot. And as for what Lothar said, you posted this 5 times, which doesn’t seem that you are serious about coding and as for wanting immediate answers. Remember that coding is based on your own intelligence of what you learned, so please take your time to start learning on some lessons for a specific programming language. If so, post the code so we can help you like what Ausgrindtube said, but we want to see what hardworking efforts you’ve done so we coders can help you to our best ability. Again, Remember that we Sololearners would love to help you, but we want to see what efforts you did on your side by posting your code and following the Sololearn Guidelines. So, if you read this, please follow the guideline. S.M.A.R.T, Your Fellow Sololearn Motivator
20th Jan 2025, 7:01 AM
SMART - avatar
Here's the thingy: https://sololearn.com/compiler-playground/c4CjsFPcIuFK/?ref=app also don't spam the same question over and over, cause you gonna get everyone mad, idk why.
20th Jan 2025, 7:57 AM
Irbis [-TEC-]
Irbis [-TEC-] - avatar