+ 1
How can I create loading animation for my website?
I want to create loding animation like android loading animation. I want it to be shown when the page is being loaded.How can i do it?
4 ответов
+ 10
there are plenty of contexts where it's better and needed and I'm wrong, but I prefer webpages to load instantaneously
+ 2
The sample show loading icon while loading a large image, check it out.
try whit a overlay in the begining of the html int h the body. but style='display:none' . and a <script> direcly after that make the over lay shown u have this if the user is having JavaScript off. and in dokument redy u hide the overlay to show the page. look at http://getbootstrap.com its a css libery mabe thay have finised overlays its a great libery used by many big sites
Use this loader icon when the program waiting for calllback to happen, like the sample shows running loader icon just to let users awake that there is a large image is being loaded into cache.