+ 3
Tell me some terminal commands of Ubuntu 16.04 !!!!
iam learning please replay to my question...
13 ответов
+ 4
The "man" command is like a help button, it gives you info on the command you specify. The best way to understand is to practice it. So try it, use the command:
man rm
It's safe.
+ 5
mkdir -> Make a directory to a current file
cd <directory> -> Move to a directory
touch <filename>.<fileextension> -> Make a new file
nano <filename.fileextension> -> Go to text editor to that file
rm <file> -> Remove a file
rmdir <directory> -> remove a directory
sudo <command> <parameters>
apt <command> <parameters>
PS: rm * -rf deletes all your file! :o xDD
+ 5
Lesson one, never use a command unless you're absolutely sure what it does. You can do these double checks by using the "man" command to give you a detailed description of the command you want to do.
Example (Ubuntu):
man rm
+ 4
@Gavin Christians is right, it can damage your Linux
+ 3
First you gotta install what you need.
If you need Python
sudo install python
Or Ruby
sudo install ruby
or C++
sudo install clang
You need some stuff too.
sudo install coreutils
sudo install tree
sudo install nano or you can do
sudo install vim
+ 3
dpkg --list command will output all the packages you've been installed
+ 3
the most important command is:
sudo rm -rf
note: only if its a virtual machine
+ 1
Can you please explain me in a detailed manner iam not understanding.
+ 1
google it. its just having a separate os from your main one
rm * -rf
- 1
what is virtual machine..
- 1
ok thank you
- 2
I have python sudo