+ 1

Can some give me a quick info about assembly 8086?

12th May 2017, 2:42 AM
Harshit Kaushik
10 ответов
+ 3
@Brian Do you have any problem, that I can work upon ?
12th May 2017, 5:24 AM
Ashutosh Tripathy
Ashutosh Tripathy - avatar
+ 2
This is also a nice full-description of 8086: http://scanftree.com/microprocessor/Architechture-Of-8086
12th May 2017, 4:44 AM
Ashutosh Tripathy
Ashutosh Tripathy - avatar
+ 2
Hi, can anyone solve some C # language issues please
12th May 2017, 5:07 AM
+ 2
Questions 1) Create an algorithm that receives 3 values ​​and tells which one is the largest. 2) Create an algorithm that asks the user for their N1 notes, it can be how many notes. The program should Calculate a normal arithmetic mean. If they are 3 notes, divide by 3. If they were 10 notes, divide by 10. The program Just stop asking the next note when the user reports 0,0. Notes must contain homes Decimals. 3) Create an algorithm that asks the user for their N1 notes, it can be any number of notes. The program should Calculate a normal arithmetic mean. If they are 3 notes, divide by 3. If they were 10 notes, divide by 10. The program Just stop asking the next note when the user reports 0,0. Notes must contain homes Decimals. When you get the N1 average, do the same to find N2. After you know who N1 and N2 are, To the user his General Average, calculated by the formula (N1 * 2 + N2 * 3) / 5.
12th May 2017, 5:36 AM
+ 2
4) Create an algorithm that asks the user for a number of interactions. Make the Fibonacci sequence showing the Number of interactions reported by the user. Fibonacci follows the pattern: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 ..... (Doubts about Fibonacci sequence, click here ). 5) Develop a program that calculates and shows the prime numbers between 0 (zero) and an informed number By the user. Prime number is one that is only divisible, without remainder, by 1 and by itself. (Click here if you do not remember what is prime number). 6) Read a number entered by the user and display on the screen the calculation of your factorial step by step to the result. (No Remember what is factorial click here ) Examples: Factorial of 2! Is 2 * 1 = 2 Factorial of 3! Is 3 * 2 * 1 = 6 Factorial of 4! Is 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 24
12th May 2017, 5:36 AM
+ 2
7) Create a program that reads two numbers reported by the user and verify that the second is a multiple of the first one. Continue to ask the second number and whether it is multiple or not. Quit the program when the Is less than or equal to zero. 8) Create a program that has an output forming a pyramid, between 1 and a number entered by the user. Example, if the user reports the number 10: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 9) Create an algorithm that prompts the user for a range start and end number. Then ask By a third party. Make sure the third number is within the range of reported values. Keep asking By the third number and informing, until this value is out of range. If you are outside, please let me know if Below or above the maximum value of the range.
12th May 2017, 5:37 AM
+ 2
10) Create an algorithm that receives three values ​​for each side of a triangle. Check and inform if the triangle is Isosceles, scalene or rectangle. (Do not remember the triangles? ). 11) Create a program that receives from the user a number A, a character ('+', '-', '*', '/') and a number B. Depending Character of the character, perform the requested operation. Continue asking for A, for the character and for B and continue Executing the operation until A and B, both are informed zero by the user.
12th May 2017, 5:37 AM
+ 2
Lol is it your school homework? Don't mind! However, Q. no. 1, 2 , 3 , 4, 9 & 10 are meant for creating algorithm, which doesn't need any language, just a calm and sharp mind. # Creating algorithms is just like writing down the steps before implementing it in any languages's code. # And the others are just small homework questions and sololearn is not meant for this! - I thought you meant some interesting problems that are quite tricky to handle, I did not mean to solve THIS! ADVICE: If you are creative, you can form the algorithms for those problems AND if you know the C# Basics then you can definitely convert them into codes! Try them! (Moreover it's always preferred to create an algorithm before coding) Happy Coding! 👍☺
12th May 2017, 5:55 AM
Ashutosh Tripathy
Ashutosh Tripathy - avatar
+ 1
In some C # language question can solve you
12th May 2017, 5:34 AM