+ 8

Can't I learn anymore?

I usually post questions that were rarely asked before in the SoloLearn Q/A Section... Yet, most of the SoloLearners are engaged in answering questions asked numerous times like diff b/w ++a and a++, return statements, rand and srand, etc, etc... Please tell me, why do you encourage such questions when a lot of answers are available? I agree that they may not be able to find... But then, Why don't people reward my questions with a similar number of answers? Have I lost the right to continue learning?

15th May 2017, 4:04 AM
Kinshuk Vasisht
Kinshuk Vasisht - avatar
18 ответов
+ 14
nope. the same with couple my questions. so that I now use google&stack overflow (100+ pages open) maybe those q just easier to answer I think.
15th May 2017, 4:07 AM
Illusive Man
Illusive Man - avatar
+ 7
:) You are at a pretty high level Kinshuk. But I know how you feel :) https://www.sololearn.com/discuss/388167/?ref=app
15th May 2017, 4:24 AM
jay - avatar
+ 7
Kinshuk noooooooooo please don't stop asking! I will catch up I swear!
15th May 2017, 4:25 AM
jay - avatar
+ 7
:) James, Jay.. lol Same thing hehehe I get that alot in real life too
15th May 2017, 4:27 AM
jay - avatar
+ 7
@Kinshuk Yeah.. i saw a thread the other day about people chasing xp and not participating in the q&a. Not sure how prevalent this is or how skilled these people are. But that may explain why alot of the higher level questions go unanswered. I dunno. If you leave though one thing is certain in my mind. I will miss your questions. Even though I can not help with most of them they provide me (and hopefully others) with motivation to get on your level. What ever you decide though. I wish you luck. Edit: Get on your level refers to knowledge. not xp
15th May 2017, 4:35 AM
jay - avatar
+ 7
@Kinshuk Vasisht: I know how you feel, many times the questions we need to know the answer of as soon as possible are not answered. On the other hand questions that are just asked for fun or that do not require the same urgency are quickly answered. If you're question doesn't get answered or you don't receive the kind of answers you expected, don't lose hope. There are a lot of other good places to ask questions; like Quora, StackOverflow, etc. And most important of all, don't ever stop learning. It's good to have questions. You can even search on Google. Who knows, maybe you'll find a blog post you like that has a variety of articles you find interesting. Happy coding☺👍
15th May 2017, 6:12 AM
Nihar Raote
Nihar Raote - avatar
+ 6
@jay I am not giving up learning, never.
15th May 2017, 4:26 AM
Kinshuk Vasisht
Kinshuk Vasisht - avatar
+ 5
Plus, people encourage questions like: Are the PHP challenges as boring as HTML? Which is a better language? What shall I do now? If one can answer those, why not help me for a while as well? Why can't I have some clearance of doubts? Why can't I have doubts?
15th May 2017, 4:07 AM
Kinshuk Vasisht
Kinshuk Vasisht - avatar
+ 5
@James I only tried to continue learning, all thats changed is that SoloLearn is no longer helping
15th May 2017, 4:30 AM
Kinshuk Vasisht
Kinshuk Vasisht - avatar
+ 5
@Rose Sevenyears I have seen people here who are so experienced and have so much knowledge that makes me continue to learn to reach that level... I thought those people would help me...But they were also busy on not so productive posts... Well, Im no one to decide whats productive, but what use can : "Are the PHP challenges as boring as HTML?" be? Thus, I expected to recieve some help atlease, but I was wrong to even think so...
15th May 2017, 5:33 AM
Kinshuk Vasisht
Kinshuk Vasisht - avatar
+ 5
Maybe transform your questions in to quizzes. People will answer if they want to win. You will learn from this.
15th May 2017, 6:09 AM
NimWing Yuan
NimWing Yuan - avatar
+ 4
@Illusive Man It seems I must move to StackOverFlow as well...
15th May 2017, 4:10 AM
Kinshuk Vasisht
Kinshuk Vasisht - avatar
+ 4
@Illusive Man https://www.sololearn.com/discuss/386561/?ref=app https://www.sololearn.com/discuss/386303/?ref=app https://www.sololearn.com/discuss/382114/?ref=app Are they so easy that people feel that giving an answer is useless? Well, if that is the case, I shall stop asking questions...
15th May 2017, 4:13 AM
Kinshuk Vasisht
Kinshuk Vasisht - avatar
+ 4
@James I am just an amateur trying to develop. I asked such questions only after seeing the potential the people have here, and thought they may help me a little, and a few even did... I considered this a place for programmers who help beginners become pros... But at a rate like this, I ain't going anywhere... So, Ill move to StackOverFlow for learning now... But I hadn't because their standards are on a whole other level, and I guarantee you that I don't know that much...
15th May 2017, 4:23 AM
Kinshuk Vasisht
Kinshuk Vasisht - avatar
+ 4
@jay I appreciate your views, but i don't see the point in posting questions if they may never be answered
15th May 2017, 5:34 AM
Kinshuk Vasisht
Kinshuk Vasisht - avatar
+ 3
"But then, Why don't people reward my questions with a similar number of answers?" -Cause less people here can answer on harder questions\ less people undestand it. We should undestand,most people here just starting learning and mostly know just basics. Guess that's ok for some time(I hope) if we can't get answers on our questions here,cause community not ready for it(that means we're growing up)...not sure even if it will be ready some day ,but hope dies last. Idk why I said "we" everywhere,since I'ma pretty newbie too :D
15th May 2017, 5:24 AM
Rose Sevenyears
Rose  Sevenyears - avatar
+ 3
@codE niNjA I appreciate your views. I shall not expect answers anymore for any of my questions, right?
15th May 2017, 5:27 AM
Kinshuk Vasisht
Kinshuk Vasisht - avatar
+ 3
@Kinshuk Vasisht Idk about others , but I'm trying to help all people I can if I have enough time to think about hard questions and I'm sure I will be at least 50-75% right ,answering on it :D Depends of type of question I guess , can't say it for sure cause I didn't seen questions to analyze. Maybe they need more time to answer. Maybe they need special tests people can't do right now. Maybe they needs some special knowledge even experienced people can't answer.... Maybe people just don't want to think about somethin' harder =\ Maybe maybe maybe...
15th May 2017, 5:40 AM
Rose Sevenyears
Rose  Sevenyears - avatar