+ 5
After learning HTML what should I learn? Kind of torn between Python and JavaScript... Or should my focus be elsewhere?
7 ответов
+ 6
my path is HTML5 > CSS > PYTHON> JAVASCRIPT but I'm on Python.
+ 2
You can go with JS and get the big package of node.js API, front end, web applications and more. If you like apps, maybe an C# and go for Xamarin that makes cross plataforms apps. Take a big breath and search for what you can do that u may like (theory is different of practical).
+ 1
HTML > CSS > JavaScript is a nice combo, though apparently Python is relatively easy to learn, so recommended for beginners
+ 1
html(haml or jade for future)->css(sass or less for future)=>js(jq react angular node for future),php...
+ 1
HTML -> CSS then I suggest you to learn directly Python instead of JavaScript. JavaScript is easy to use and how to use it but... it's difficult to understand clearly the programmation by object since it's a abstract subject ( Java, C++, Python, JavaScript are all object oriented languages) and in JavaScript it's even more abstract. The system of objects are easier to understand in Python and since Python has a strict spelling you'll develop the habit of writing clear codes. So when you'll learn another language you'll already know clearly how objects work and you'll be writing codes that are easy (or maybe easier) to ready for the others. You'll just have to learn the new philosophy of the language and its spelling. That's what I did and I don't regret it.
+ 1
HTML > CSS > SASS > Javascript > Node.js > React.js (Angular.js also an option). It's important you learn CSS before SASS and the same goes with Javascript and Node etc. If your purely interested in web development I'd learn PHP before Python though both can now effectively be replaced by Node.js and a backend Javascript framework.
Thanks to all of you for taking the time to anawer.