+ 13
Is computer coding an art form?
Jujitsu, Watercolours, Masonry, Novel writing, JavaScript...
27 ответов
+ 10
Programming certainly can have quite a bit of elegance to it, but it's a little limited in terms of audience size. Also, every language has its own esthetic, which is part of the charm of learning multiple languages.
Unfortunate that time pressure and other stresses can get in the way of that elegance, but that's why it's ask the more impressive when you can pull it off. I liken the esthetic value of code to that of equations, rather esoteric, not commonly appreciated, but still worth appreciation.
Indulge me for a moment? I know there are people that don't like math here..
e^(pi*i) +1=0
The 5 most important numbers in mathematics, connected by the 4 fundamental operations. I don't know about you, but that is something that touches me.
+ 16
Depends on what you are coding.
Coding can be:
a hobby
professional work
routine job
an addiction
an art form
+ 11
I have yet to find something which cannot be considered as art (as in, nobody considers it as art).
+ 8
I suppose it could be considered an art. With programming / software development there are a great many skills you may not consider as very beneficial until you actually need them. Being able to use them all to interpret requirements and use cases, while translating abstract concepts into code to create a cohesive product takes some mental gymnastics that I would consider as being it's own unique art form. Art isn't a narrowly defined word... art is the creation of something unique. With programming, we not only imagine something unique, we bring it to life.
+ 6
hm, i think it cant be a matter of beauty of the code itself exactly. i think its a matter of what does the programer codes for , what attention he pays to make a pretty code or make a code that just works. it more about the intention.
+ 6
@Maar I find algorithms very artful sometimes. I would like to understand them better
+ 4
If you are good with css
Although i do enjoy looking at CLEAN code in intelij
+ 3
@James what differentiates functional code from artful code, to you?
+ 3
@James Is lolcode really art (http://lolcode.codeschool.com/ ) or is it too commercial?
+ 3
@James do you think being just pretty makes something art?
+ 3
@James So artfulness is about being able understand what the code is doing? It's a dataflow thing?
+ 3
@James Do you apply the same principals to other art: visual art, poetry, prose, sculpture, martial arts?
+ 3
@James I once came up with the idea to make a guitar that writes computer code. The idea was largely about functional flow at the time
+ 3
@James on a practical basis it could also be quicker and more versatile, though the basics would take much longer to learn
+ 2
I find part of it art. Logarithms and all are just math and I find it hard to see them as art. But then there's coming up with ideas for codes and making the design and all. That's 100% art.
+ 1
They are something for sure.. But art? I don't know.
This all depends on what your definition of art is of course
+ 1
yeah...sometimes it could be an art form depending on u that u r doing some creative or doing as usual work
Everything is an art if you love doing it .
But nowadays everything has to be done faster,better,easier - that's a bit wrong.
if you understand what do I mean ...
- 1
someone here told the right thing. coding is a hobby for some people whereas for others it is world to live without impossible. I think everyine who is dealing with coding must love it as much as possible.