+ 1
Im about to finish javascript course what should i do?
Well im at the final lesson (Dom) after i finish what i can build ? My target was build a steam trading bot and a website for it. Is there anything i can start to train with for me to reach my goal ?
22 ответов
+ 7
what is the difference between a trading bot and a donation bot?
+ 5
i think this article you will help
+ 4
I suggest you kindly check the codes that are uploaded by others in JavaScript..
There are some tremendous works out there.
try to learn how they've done it,and imply them in your own projects..
+ 3
nope,no idea about the bot though..
try posting at stack overflow..
+ 2
I don't think you can make one with javascript..
you have to use C++/C# I guess.
+ 2
@LeeJing I didn't have an idea!!
well,if its possible to make hybrid mobile apps with javascript,then trading bots are maybe possible as well..
+ 2
I mean you can convert your javascript web app into an android app.
+ 2
it is..
+ 1
start coding
+ 1
oh I don't use steam for games..
btw,which game you want to make trading bot for?
+ 1
you can check youtube..
you'll sure find a way to make trading bots for both CSGO and Team Fortress 2..
+ 1
then you got it wrong, there are many made using javascript but the creators dont want to share it. there is a free one for tf2 item banking but it doesnt match my requirements and it have a issue that i hate.
+ 1
@hajar elbahja. thanks but ive already tried that, that bot doesnt does trading, its a donation bot
+ 1
trading bot is for trading items with other users with stated price/what they want. A donation bot is for users to donate to. Mostly youtubers and god knows who will get this bot
+ 1
but still, does it related to the bot ? XP
@Mr Programmer but i dont know how to start and what to do
@Tiyam Foyraz. the website is not important for now, making the trading bot is more important
tf2 and maybe tf2 <-> csgo keys bot
i do see some but they arent javascript, they are using jessecar's steam bot (c#).
hybrid mobile apps ?