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how can I write a code that replaces each consonant in a file with a vowel? I tried a code that only works for the last consonant. I don't know why and I am getting tired of trying alone

A coding nightmare!!!

21st Aug 2016, 12:29 PM
Dan-Awoh Emmanuel
Dan-Awoh Emmanuel - avatar
9 ответов
this is the code: text = "this is fun" vowel= ["a","e","i","o","u"] def translate(file): for i in file: if i in file and i not in vowel: a= file.replace (i,"o") return a print(translate(text)) please help me find the reason why it only works for the last consonant.
21st Aug 2016, 12:42 PM
Dan-Awoh Emmanuel
Dan-Awoh Emmanuel - avatar
your code doesnt work. Try this: text = "this is fun" vowel= ["a","e","i","o","u"] def translate(file): a = "" for i in file: if i not in vowel: a+="o" else: a+=i return a print(translate(text))
21st Aug 2016, 9:12 PM
Pavel thanks. a="" is a string that changes value for each non vowel element that of the file parameter. but I don't understand how the interpreter knows that a replaces the consonants. can you pls explain that part of the code?
21st Aug 2016, 11:22 PM
Dan-Awoh Emmanuel
Dan-Awoh Emmanuel - avatar
okay, lets see how code work step by step. At firts we created string variable with name @a@ and its value is empty string. a = "" Next, we create a loop, which iterate over @file@ function parameter. In our case that mean that body loop will execute 11 times (because len(file) in our case = len("this is fun") and in every iteration @i@ will take corresponding value: 0 - t 1- h 2 - i 3 - s ....etc for i in file: in every iteration we check that the current letter of our text (@i@) doesnt contains in @vowel@ list. If its true, we append to our answer string @a@ letter "o", in other case we append @i@ value. if i not in vowel: a+="o" else: a+=i Remember, this works in every iteration of the loop! i = 't' True a="o" i='h' True a="oo" i='i' False a="ooi" i='s' True. a="ooio" ........ And after all iterations we return @a@ value from our function: return a
22nd Aug 2016, 4:29 AM
wow!!! Pavel. you explained it very well. now I understand it. thanks i appreciate it.
22nd Aug 2016, 1:06 PM
Dan-Awoh Emmanuel
Dan-Awoh Emmanuel - avatar
You are welcome:)
22nd Aug 2016, 1:26 PM
22nd Aug 2016, 1:33 PM
wa dz
wa dz - avatar
remember across for attention down for affection
23rd Sep 2016, 8:57 AM
suh dude
- 1
hi wa dz. I've been trying to prime myself by solving some Python problems online. building algorithms like; bubble, merge, quick sort etc. it has been all about cramming without really understanding my code. so I went back to smaller problems.
22nd Aug 2016, 6:25 PM
Dan-Awoh Emmanuel
Dan-Awoh Emmanuel - avatar