+ 7
What is your Time Zone you live in?
To calculate the Time Zone you're currently living in you take as start GMT or UTC which stands for : G = Greenwich , M = Main , T = Time (UTC stand for Universal Coordinated Time) Depending on your time zone you Add or Substract an hour or more. Please include the NEAREST BIG CITY WITH THE SAME TIME ZONE as yours.
11 ответов
+ 20
Philippines GMT/UTC + 8h - Manila
+ 7
@Kinshuk: Some RTC module use a capacitor to keep enough energy to keep your system clock running on time. This way, you have a cheap rechargeable battery functionality in your RTC. However CAPACITORS have a limited lifetime too just like batteries and they start to leak, and loose the capacity of keeping a charge. The leak is not comparable with a battery so it will not be dripping any acid out of it.
I know this is more for Electronic Engineering and or Electronic hobbyists such as I am one.
+ 6
I live in India, IST = GMT + 5:30...
Nearest City = Capital = Delhi
Time (Current) = 21:57
+ 6
@Kinshuk: Could you edit your answer to include the nearest big city near your Geolocation? Thanks for the trouble...
+ 6
Yes Kinshuk, but this is only as accurate as your system clock of your computer is set. If your battery or capacitor that keeps your RTC on time and date is malfunctioning this function is useless.
+ 5
I live currently in Belgium so my time Zone is GMT+2 because of the Summer Time during the winter time it will be GMT+1
While living in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas my time was CST or GMT -6.
Large Countries like the USA have multiple TIME ZONES.
+ 5
@Rajyalakshmi Reddy: It is not my intension to make this in a code, because you would be needing to input every little village or town in a database that would look for your geolocation coordination and then calculate the time zone. Simply put, if you live in MOSKOU, it would be GMT +4, NEW YORK would be GMT -6 ...
+ 2
I have a simple function where you need to enter the GMT variation and you get the time. Eg=
will show IST...
+ 2
Yes, It will depend on those factors.
But will capacitors be a problem here, on Code Playground?
I dont think so...
+ 1
I had no knowledge in such matters...
post full code file