Int main() int a=5 Int b=++a*a++ Print(%d,b)
please explain how output is 42.ignore syntax errors.
8 ответов
+ 1
(++a = 6) * (a++ = 7) = 42
+ 1
@scott i understand how ++a is 6 but a++ should be 6 as well because a++ evaluates first then it increments.so i think answer should be 36=6*6
i agree how ++a is 6 but a++ evaluate first then its increments so i think a++ is 6.so answwr will be 36.can u explain how a++ is 7.?
@Nitish, i had an answer for you before i saw you had a c++ tag for this. I don't know if you know this is a JavaScript q&a.
My new answer is if this was c++ your answer 36 would probably be correct. If JavaScript, then it's syntactically written incorrectly so it would (and did) console.log() to 36.
but in c++ i got answer 42 not 36
++a=6..it will Increment the value of a=5...then a++=7..because this will increment the value of a..which was incremented before(a=6)
a++ will be 6 because it will execute first then incremental
like if i=5
then i=6 and j=5