There are 9 buttons in a gridlayout.U click a button once it turns red,Twice turns blue,thrice turns green. Write a java program

25th Jun 2017, 3:00 PM
Gautham Kamath K
Gautham Kamath K - avatar
5 ответов
+ 6
Do you think we are stupid enough to write your exam project for you ? Think again my friend. And if you want to create a challenge go to the appropriate part if this app. Goid luck in your efforts anyway😆😆😆😆 Your Avatar name you use WIZ, but you're not the WIZARD you think you are, all the earlier questions are also obsolete here. So please refrain posting such threads in the future, that would make SoloLearn such a nice platform. And if you didn't get it yet SOLOLEARN MEANS LEARNING SOLO...
25th Jun 2017, 3:05 PM
🇺🇸 Anatoli🇧🇪🇪🇺 ,
🇺🇸 Anatoli🇧🇪🇪🇺 , - avatar
+ 2
Access the Background colour component from the button. Write an algorithm like this: if(red) make it Blue else if(blue) make it green else make it red
25th Jun 2017, 3:04 PM
Limitless - avatar
+ 2
@Wiz: My be your right and I do owe you an apology, but to be honest, your way of questioning is more than suspicious. I could have provided you with some help instead, but you would not believe how many try to have their home assignment done here by posing questions. You're the victim of the system they tried to abuse. However even if you're a slow learner, you should always show at least a minimum effort from your side and I and also others will be more than glad to help you in anyway we can to make you successful in your endeavors. So if you feel you are victimized, please accept my sincere apologies and start over again. But I stay at my point that you should provide a minimal effort of code. Even if it is wrong show us that your query for information is genuine.,👌👌👍👍👀👀
30th Jun 2017, 9:27 PM
🇺🇸 Anatoli🇧🇪🇪🇺 ,
🇺🇸 Anatoli🇧🇪🇪🇺 , - avatar
+ 1
U could've posted the code instead of posting such a big paragraph. N wizard is just a random name I got. It doesn't have to do anything with the way I am. Disappointed by the way this app works.
30th Jun 2017, 6:31 PM
Gautham Kamath K
Gautham Kamath K - avatar
+ 1
n they are not the questions from my exam project or something. I'm a learner r8 now. So I am a bit slow in grasping things. That's why I taught I could get some help.
30th Jun 2017, 6:33 PM
Gautham Kamath K
Gautham Kamath K - avatar