+ 4

++2 + 2++ gives output 7, how..?can anyone explain me about this result?

3rd Sep 2016, 8:25 AM
Gamer - avatar
1 ответ
+ 5
Basically there are two types of increments. 1) Pre-increment In this case the increment operator comes before the variable. Now in case of pre-increment, the variable is first incremented and then a value is returned. eg: int a=2; int x = ++a; // x=3 and a=3 2) Post-increment In this case the increment operator comes after the variable. Post-increment first returns the current value and then increments the number. eg: int a=2; int x = a++; // x=2 and a=3 But this is true only if the the increment is used in an expression containing an assignment. But in this case since there is no assignment i.e. = involved, ++2 and 2++ will have the same effect. So ++2 makes 3. But since 2++ is written in the same statement after the ++2, the value passed to 2++ is 3 intead of 2. Hence in this case 2++ gives 3+1 i.e. 4 Thus the expression ++2 + 2++ evaluates to 3+4 i.e 7.
3rd Sep 2016, 10:42 AM
Siddharth Patankar
Siddharth Patankar - avatar