- 1
Are you teaching addition subtraction...???
5 ответов
+ 11
You've just started the Python course as I can see. Complete the full course, you'll get many more topics.
+ 7
Utilizing arithmetic operators in programming is one of the basics.
There is no proper explainations available there, directly asking arithmatic questions. And where is the Syntex for the operators...???
Python Course > Basic Concepts > In-Place Operators (section 11).
Yes, yes there is. If you're asking for a long explanation on anything beyond their usage, you'll be disappointed since the program, and most programming languages will assume you have some type of mathematical background. That's why it's only 2 pages, plus 2 pages of quizzing you. It just informs you manipulate variables with operators correctly (aka, proper syntax with operators).
Asking multiple arithmetic questions is redundant since it tests less on your coding ability, and more on your math skills.