How is Python useful to us in daily life
2 ответов
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"Daily life" is a very subjective phrase. It's not useful at all in my daily life because I don't use python. It's not useful in my wife's daily life because she isn't even a programmer / technie. If you asked me many years ago in my 20s, I'd say it's useful because I can use it to create awesome scripts for Black Ops II since they decided not to include a lot of expected functionality in that version of CoD (such as being able to use stat mods). I would just use Python to relay stats from server to the console so it'd print as text to players in game.
How is it useful in your daily life?
If you ever used Google, YouTube, or Instagram for example, it's already impacted you.
It has a wide variety of uses as a high level language, most people underestimate it's usefulness just because java for example is more popular. It's far from a useless language. It can really do anything, even build small apps like email services far faster and efficiently than most out there.
Sure, it's not as fast as C because C is a very low level (bare bones) language, but it's not as if can't do the same things.
You can't really appreciate Python till you use other lower level languages IMO.
Games for example come up a lot for python. The reason it isn't widely used there is simply because C or some others gives you more control and it's faster. Faster is typically a necessary part of gaming, but python can do it. But python is just more useful in other areas where a high level amount of abstraction is needed.
Why would a scientist need to do every step of making a function when all she/he needs to worry about is the data? That's why Python is called a 'high level language' (High amounts of abstraction).
I could make more walls of text about the differences in more detail but I feel this is enough. lol